facial rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture , is gradually gaining popularity in the west. The procedure which involves placing tiny thin needles in specific areas, is relatively painless and focuses on treating both internal and external as one. The aim is to stimulate groups of facial muscles to enhance the appearance.

The Chinese have long known that the face gives clues as to what is happening deeper in the body. Different parts of the face correspond to various organs of the body. In Chinese Medicine it is believed that when the body is in perfect health, health should radiate from the face.

Why Choose Acupuncture Over Other Anti-Aging Treatments?

Cosmetic acupuncture is far less invasive and more subtle than other treatments.

How Many Treatments Do I Need To Have?

Results vary depending on the individual. A course of treatments is recommended to get full benefits, and each session your facial points are combined with a complete constitutional treatment.

To book in for a course of treatments email us at info@experienceacupuncture.com.au

Waichi Sugiyama


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