Senior Acupuncturist RAY FORD has been studying and practicing Chinese Medicine for over 25 years. After graduating from college and practicing for several years he successfully completed a post graduate diploma in clinical acupuncture at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

Continuing his studies in China, Ray learnt from and worked alongside some of the most experienced and skillful practitioners in Asia. He has trained in all aspects of Chinese medicine. Ray has also been fortunate enough to have gained invaluable experience and knowledge from treating many thousands of people with a wide range of health problems for over twenty years.

Ray is a government registered agent. Since 2013 all acupuncturists have to be registered with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency). He opened the first Experience Acupuncture centre in 2008 with the vision of bringing high quality treatments to the public at an affordable price.

Our Treatments

At Experience Acupuncture, we provide high quality,
gentle treatments from highly experienced
practitioners at a price that you can afford.
Save by booking a course of treatments.

Phone: 0429553819 (txt only)
Email: Experience Acupuncture

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